Surgical Sparkline

The Sparkline chart below represents every STS index operation by day of surgery with a vertical line. The lines with an uptick are considered successful outcomes where patients have been discharged alive and went home or to another facility for at least 6 postoperative months. A downtick represents the surgical encounters with an unsuccessful outcome where a patient did not survive to go home or did not survive a transfer to another facility for 6 postoperative months.

Currently Selected Date Range:
Last Procedure Recorded on 02/07/2025

Click here to compare outcomes to the STS 4 year analysis and surgeon specific outcomes

(Please enter a date range that is greater than 1 year)

All fields below are dynamic - updated in real-time from the cardiac program electronic medical record, except blue fields which contain fixed values from the medical literature.

Currently Selected Date Range:
Last Procedure Recorded on 02/07/2025
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Last Surgical Date