Analysis by Procedure

The following information compares the surgical outcomes by the 10 STS benchmark procedures with STS 4 year unadjusted mortality rates and the median postoperative length of stay. Each procedures shows the total number of times that particular procedure type was performed and the median age of the patient. In order to view an accurate comparison to the STS and to view each surgeon specific outcome, click the button ‘STS Comparison and Surgeon Outcomes’. This will allow you to click a button next to each benchmark procedure in the table of data to see the surgeon specific data for the STS 4 year reporting period and provide additional details in both the mortality and the postoperative length of stay charts.

Click here to compare outcomes to the STS 4 year analysis and surgeon specific outcomes

(Please enter a date range that is greater than 1 year)

All fields below are dynamic - updated in real-time from the cardiac program electronic medical record, except blue fields which contain fixed values from the medical literature.

Currently Selected Date Range:
Last Procedure Recorded on 02/07/2025

STS 1 Year Date Range: (7/2022 - 6/2023)
STS 4 Year Date Range: (7/2019 - 6/2023)
Unadjusted: Raw mortality rate (%) that does not take into account the risk factors of patients creating a higher or lower difficulty of a surgical operation
Proc Type ID Category Procedures Median Age (Days) Mortalities Mortality Rate (%)
STS Last 4 Year
Mortality Rate (%)
Median LOS
Postop (Days)
STS 4 Year Median
Postop Stay (Days)
10 Coarctation (No CPB) 22 35 0 0.0% 0.9% 5 14.1 By Surgeon
2 TOF Repair 48 160 0 0.0% 0.8% 6 12.7 By Surgeon
1 VSD Repair 66 157 1 1.5% 0.3% 6 10.3 By Surgeon
4 Arterial Switch 18 3 0 0.0% 1.6% 14 17.9 By Surgeon
3 Complete AV Canal Repair 26 236 1 3.8% 2.1% 8 17.2 By Surgeon
6 Glenn/HemiFontan 34 175 0 0.0% 1.4% 9 14.2 By Surgeon
5 Arterial Switch + VSD Repair 1 3 0 0.0% 4.6% 11 21.6 By Surgeon
7 Fontan 32 1493 0 0.0% 1.0% 10 12.9 By Surgeon
8 Truncus Repair 4 2 1 25.0% 7.7% 22 35.4 By Surgeon
9 Norwood 20 4 1 5.0% 11.8% 47 55.7 By Surgeon